Outsourced F&B for Hotels

Offer a curated room service experience from restaurants near your hotel. It’s a fast and seamless service, without the hassles and costs of a kitchen.
Bouchef-Continental Breakfast To-Go Meals

Continental Breakfast To-Go Meals

Evolve your hotel’s guest experience with customizable, continental breakfast to go boxes.

Complimentary Guest Voucher Program

Increase your hotel’s ADR, convert more online bookings, win more group contracts, and reward your most loyal guests with our voucher program – redeemable for complimentary room service and breakfast meals.


Promotes in-stay consumption

Your guests can order with their cell phones wherever they are. From the room, the pool or even the gym.


Room Service, Check!

Check the “room service” box on all travel search engines.


Guest Satisfaction

Give your guests the amenity they ask for and avoid staffing errors.

It’s Ridiculously Easy

Place curated menus in rooms and add to your amenities. Customers order from the menu, no downloads required. Customers enjoy incredibly hot, fast, and trusted room service.


Do you have any questions?

It is a menu through which guests can see pictures, descriptions and allergens of each dish.


This interactive digital menu is able to automatically translate into the guest's language.


In addition, the platform allows guests to place and pay for their order, wherever they are.

From any cell phone (iOs or Android) guests can scan the QR code to directly access the menu, without downloading any app.


If you wish, you can include them in the booking confirmation email.

We analyze together the profile of the guests of your hotel and based on that we look for restaurants around that offer quality products that suit the needs and tastes of your guests. We suggest a menu and once it is approved, Bouchef's technical team uploads it to the platform.


However, you will always have access to your interactive digital menu to make any changes you want without having to contact us.


Any changes you make to the menu will be updated instantly, without the need to change the QR codes.

QR codes are available in the administration section of your hotel page.


You can print as many QR codes as many times as you need.


If you prefer, the Bouchef team can print them on waterproof, self-adhesive vinyl and send them to you as soon as possible.

No, there is no commission of any kind. In fact, you will get an economic benefit.

Based on 580 reviews
"We can now offer room service to our guests. They order from the room or from the pool. We provide an agile service, which translates into increased sales and revenue."
Tina Olive
GM at Hotel 50 Bowery
"Bouchef has allowed us to offer a service we didn't have before. The system is very easy and intuitive. It also allows us to have additional income."
Carl Sagan
Sohoo Hotel
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